Friday, December 11, 2009

i found that i do have a heart

As I write this I'm about half way through a bottle of whiskey. It's another Friday night in Japan and I've just completed a very long work week. And yes I'm drinking alone, as always. The company I've worked for for 9 months called me into an important and urgent meeting. The branch office is about an hour away from my home. I get over there just for them to tell me:

1) You are hereby ordered to cut your hair.
2) You're a shitty teacher.

On top of my 2nd job I've had to attend workshops and give graded demo lessons all week. So I feel I deserve this drinking session. I really don't know if i can do this another year, but I have no choice. I make pretty good money now and the job market being how it is back home, I don't want to risk being without a job for too long. It makes me feel like a whore, because I'm staying in a job I hate just for the $$$.

My cousin, who is a year younger than me, told me this week he's decided to propose to his girlfriend, and it made me wonder about my love life which is pretty non-existent at this point. It's been a long time coming, but I've finally sorted out my head enough to feel like now is the time I can finally give a girl a real relationship and not dodge my deeper emotions for fear of getting hurt again or whatever it was that made me hate girls as much as I did. Recently I have realized that I met my unicorn, I just hope I didn't blow my chance. I get the feeling from her that she in no way feels the same for me, but I think I should man-up and tell her she's my unicorn, otherwise I'll just end up hating her out of frustration with my emotions which is something I don't want. I'd rather have her be a part of my life as just a friend than nothing at all.

By definition a unicorn is something that can't be caught, but my will and strength won't allow me to quit, I have to take the chance otherwise I'll dwell on the "what if's" Whenever I'm with her and her back is turned to me, I often find myself staring at her, and my body and mind are just screaming


but I just haven't found the right moment, maybe because I'm stuck in this shitty place in a job I loathe.

I want to tell her so much...things like how perfect I think she is, and how she doesn't need to change, because I like her for the things she thinks are her faults and how I would put all my strength and will into making and keeping her happy. and how I would never, ever give up on her and how much I believe in her.

I just hope she can see past my faults too. I'm not the perfect guy in anyway and I've never been too good with talking about my emotions, but if she gave me the chance, I would give my all to SHOW her just how much I care about her everyday.

I think that would just scare her off though..............